Monday, July 2, 2007

My first blog!

Well I learn so much reading everyone else's blogs I thougt it was time to start my own! I am an ambitious summer person as my day job is on hiatus during the summer. I am discovering the artist that lives inside of me and has spent many years hidden away. I am not suddenly inspired to make, create, design, etc. Some days I am electrically charged with creative energy and am finding that other "artist types" experience this on a regular basis! I am finding many kindered souls to commune with through my experiences.

I enjoy fiber and mixed media arts particualarly: knitting, crocheting, free-form sewing, collage, altered books, paper making and anything else that strikes my fancy!

Let me know what you think of the things you see and any feedback is fantastic as I am new and learning about putting my stuff out there.

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