Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Sad Day at Our House

Sir Bubo Wilson
Beloved Pet and Furry Friend

Today our beloved pet rat died. It may sound strange to be so heartbroken over a rat but he was like a member of our family. He was out of his cage most of the time and since we brought him home at 6 weeks old his feet seldom touched the floor. He was even scared of it in the beginning. He would only be on me or Jacob or in his box. He got much braver and would stalk around a bit but never got into much mischief. He was the most loving little critter. Jacob named him Bubo--like Bubonic--and the silliness of the name seemed to suit him. He became ill right before he turned a year old and we went to the vet. He was diagnosed with rat lice (from the wood chips) and chronic respitory problems. He took several rounds of antibiotics but would always get sick again. I started with homeopathic remedies and he has some better days and weeks then others. He got lots and lots of loving but we could tell he was not quite himself anymore. He rarely ventured off the couch or our laps. He was having difficulty breathing--quite a bit the last couple of days and even had difficulty moving around at all. I was feeling like we were in "rat hospice" mode. Last night he was particularly weak and would not take water from me. Today, more of the same. We went out and left him with a heat bag on the sofa. We came home and he was stretched out in a sun beam. I laid down to take a nap with him and he was restless. He couldn't settle and his breathing seemed to slow and he reared his head up a couple of times and then got real still. I was holding him and felt him pass away. We shed a lot of tears tonight. He will be creamated at the humane society where I know they will take good care of him. They were very sweet when we stood in the lobby sobbing saying good bye to our favorite little furry critter. It is very empty in the living room tonight. I keep coming in and looking for Bubo so he can curl up in my lap while I type. Who would have known a family could have grown so attached to a rat! He was by far the coolest pet we have ever had!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gearing up for the Holidays!

Well is has all been made official and I am a participant in this years Bizare Bizaar in Lawrence, Kansas. Here is a link with all the cool artist and details of the show...

It is always well attended and LOTS of fun. This will be my first time as a seller and I am nervous and excited. I am sharing space with a talented potter--Sharon Moreland. I am sure our table will be fabulous! I am finishing up some very cute cat toys, Sample Book Scarves, recycled felt products, glass marble necklaces, orginal collage jewelery and the ever popular nose warmers! (Plus whatever else I can get done by then! ) Don't forget the DysFUNctional Family Christmas Cards for those whose holiday memories were not alway Merry! I had a lot of fun with those last year.
Here is a Sample Book Scarf I made for myself. There will be another red one but may have different color lining. These are turning out really pretty.

I put one of my temari balls in the Unity Gallery art show. It helps to be on the gallery team but I think it look quite nice hang there. I will have a few of those at the Biz Baz as well. I am starting one called "Here Comes the Sun" that is made from a recycled core of grocery sacks and is wrapped in vintage thread from old wooden spools. Quite lovely!

This is a 16 division and was inspired by the Eckert Tolle book A New Earth, hence the title. I was finishing this up while we were having a study group with the book. This ball is called: "Flowers: The First Recognition of Beauty"

Here is a detail shot of it. It reminds me of a lotus flower seen here at my orthodontist office...

These are so beautiful!

This is the reason I was at the orthodontist office although one of us has graduated...can you guess who it is...

I better get busy...I surely must be stitching something!