Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Biz Baz Report

Well the Biz Baz was a success! It was loads of fun, lots of work but I so enjoy making things that it hardly seems like work. I do admit I needed a few days of rest without creating ANYTHING but now I am raring to go! I did overwork my hands somewhat so am only knitting a small amount right now. Here is a view of the table...

If you zoom into it you can see the felted cat toys which were hugely popular as well as the sample book scarfs. The scented eye pillow were really well liked and I am sure enjoying mine. There are still items left if you are interested in ordering any thing from the Biz Baz just e-mail me at
I have a variety of scarves, some fun glass bead necklaces, Dysfunctional Christmas Cards, purses, button jewelry, recycled hand warmers, cat toys and eye pillows. If you have any questions, just contact me and ask!
Here is a close up of the Coffee Lady Coasters:
In the background is a felted purse and in the foregrown is a fabric bowl. The coasters were sold but the purse and bowl are available.

Here is one of the eye pillows. This one is the Restore formula. It does wonders for clogged sinuses. 30 seconds in the mircowave and it does wonders!

Just let me know if you are interested and we can make arrangements before the holidays!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by, took a look, helped out, made a purchase etc. It was all appreciated and definately the first of annual event!