Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ahhhh Spring!

It is one of my favorite times of year in Kansas! Spring! It is such a nice change from the cold, barren days of winter. Growing up in California, one does not notice the changes of spring--the frolicing squirrels, tulips, daffodils, budding trees and the amazing array of green on plants, bushes and trees!

There is also an overwhelming urge to plant things. Maybe it is a Kansas thing but when spring gets here, I have to get my hands in the dirt! I love my perennials that come back bigger and beautiful, year after year but I always need to supplement that with some annual flowers and herbs and this year a few container veggie gardens.

I seem to be having trouble uploading pictures to my blog and to Facebook. Hmmmm...maybe it's me??? Stay tuned for spring pics!