Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ahhhh Spring!

It is one of my favorite times of year in Kansas! Spring! It is such a nice change from the cold, barren days of winter. Growing up in California, one does not notice the changes of spring--the frolicing squirrels, tulips, daffodils, budding trees and the amazing array of green on plants, bushes and trees!

There is also an overwhelming urge to plant things. Maybe it is a Kansas thing but when spring gets here, I have to get my hands in the dirt! I love my perennials that come back bigger and beautiful, year after year but I always need to supplement that with some annual flowers and herbs and this year a few container veggie gardens.

I seem to be having trouble uploading pictures to my blog and to Facebook. Hmmmm...maybe it's me??? Stay tuned for spring pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Obsessed Art Mama

In a random vaguely morbidly nostalgic google search regarding hobby lobby barcodes, I was directed to your post about Hobby Lobby.

I was a cashier at Hobby Lobby for a summer that I will never repeat. I fully believe everything you wrote about them. Rumor was around the store that we didn't use barcodes because they were the mark of the beast. The autobiography of the founder (available at the cash registers if you look) tries to justify their absence through economic and interpersonal reasoning. Apparently the cost of putting in scanners and maintaining them still outweighs the benefits of their presence, and apparently employees take more pride in their work when they do things by hand instead of letting a machine do it. I can testify truthfully that this is all false. Especially the pride thing. I did not get paid enough to take pride in doing things the hard way.

You mentioned a strategy of asking the cashiers why they don't use barcodes. I want to STRONGLY discourage you from doing this. Believe me, the cashiers want barcode scanners WAY more than you do. Store management wants scanners almost as much. It's only corporate that is too crazy to put in scanners.

If you want to harass somebody about the scanners, call corporate. Please. But please don't further burden the cashiers who are not being paid enough to deal with the problems resulting from a lack of barcode scanners. It's not their fault, really. They're just trying to earn their minimum wage and get the hell away from the terrible Christian muzak. I am a Christian, I know many of those songs, and in real life some of them are actually pretty. Whoever did the store music for hobby lobby went all texas chainsaw massacre on those tunes and made me want to never hear them again. Especially America the Beautiful. Gag me. I hope the people at corporate who chose the store music have teenagers, and I hope those teenagers listen to heavy metal ALL DAY LONG.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. I just thought I'd bring all that to your attention.

Thank you for your concern and your fully warranted sense of indignation. The lower echelons of the Hobby Lobby business structure share your grief.


Former Hobby Lobby Employee