Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gearing up for the Holidays!

Well is has all been made official and I am a participant in this years Bizare Bizaar in Lawrence, Kansas. Here is a link with all the cool artist and details of the show...

It is always well attended and LOTS of fun. This will be my first time as a seller and I am nervous and excited. I am sharing space with a talented potter--Sharon Moreland. I am sure our table will be fabulous! I am finishing up some very cute cat toys, Sample Book Scarves, recycled felt products, glass marble necklaces, orginal collage jewelery and the ever popular nose warmers! (Plus whatever else I can get done by then! ) Don't forget the DysFUNctional Family Christmas Cards for those whose holiday memories were not alway Merry! I had a lot of fun with those last year.
Here is a Sample Book Scarf I made for myself. There will be another red one but may have different color lining. These are turning out really pretty.

I put one of my temari balls in the Unity Gallery art show. It helps to be on the gallery team but I think it look quite nice hang there. I will have a few of those at the Biz Baz as well. I am starting one called "Here Comes the Sun" that is made from a recycled core of grocery sacks and is wrapped in vintage thread from old wooden spools. Quite lovely!

This is a 16 division and was inspired by the Eckert Tolle book A New Earth, hence the title. I was finishing this up while we were having a study group with the book. This ball is called: "Flowers: The First Recognition of Beauty"

Here is a detail shot of it. It reminds me of a lotus flower seen here at my orthodontist office...

These are so beautiful!

This is the reason I was at the orthodontist office although one of us has graduated...can you guess who it is...

I better get busy...I surely must be stitching something!

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