Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It has been so long...

Well with the start of school in mid-August it has been a while since I have posted. This is what I have been up to...

Making fabric bowls (McCalls Pattern, very cute)

Getting to know my new sewing machine (Kenmore 90 stitch model--the coolest thing around!)

Having a yard sale (I only made $10! Jacob made $70! apparently his stuff was cooler!)

Going to the MOST awesome flea market around ( in tiny Sparks, KS. Scored a painting by Margaret Mcdonald Phillips. I am researching it because it is unique and signed.

Completed my first art quilt (obviously sewing a lot)
Planning for crafts fairs during the holidays--still no inventory! (narrowing down to fabric bowls, note cards with prints of collages and art quilts, and possibly purses, knitted baby socks, altered altoid boxes and some jewelery of some sort--I am very scattered!)

visited a sunflower field (if you have never been close to one and have the chance--don't miss it--it is breathtaking!)

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