Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cards for holiday sale

I have been having a blast making cards for the holiday sale at Unity Church of Lawrence. During the summer, I got 3 disks of vintage photos from e-bay. They are copyright free and came from Canada. I only paid .99 each and the photos are awesome! I got Christmas, tattoos and wild west. I used some of my own photos as well as the Christmas photos and made "Dysfunctional Family Christmas" cards! It was really fun to think of snarky comments for them and I hope people like them! Here they are:

I used my program that is similiar to Photoshop called Micorsoft Picture It. I am not sure how it got on my computer--maybe it came with it but I like it. You can manipulate photos in several different ways. I then printed the pictures on speckled card stock, cut them out and glued them on blank cards. I make labels for the back that said Dysfunctional Family Christmas with this blog, in case anyone would ever want to contact me!
I think they turned out cute and hopefully others will understand my sense of humor!

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