I did not get a spot in the local Bizarre Bazaar which if fine because I do not think I have the inventory for such a big show--being that it would be my first time. I am however, going to sell items at the Unity Church Craft Sale in early December. I check their web page but it is not listed. I have the following items that will be ready:
Memory wire bracelets
Fabric bowls
Glass marble pendants and bracelets
Knitted nose warmers
Knitted socks
Felted purses
Note Cards
Dancing Goddesses
Possibly some Fimo clay jewelery
I tried a lot of different stuff to see what people like, what sells easily, what I am good at and what is fun to make. I will post photos soon.
The artist is Jane Hosey-Stern and she has Junque Drawer Studio she had amazing found object art and the stuff I love. It was like she took all the stuff in my room and put it together. I got some amazing ideas to bring my things together--like what sorts of findings to use. She offers workshops and I am hoping to be able to participate in one. It is funny how you found people when you are ready. I met her, then right next door is an artist I met in Lawrence who is friends with Jane, then come to find out the new secretary at church is friends with her as well and is creating a studio of sorts in her home! I feel like I suddenly made all these connections to help me along my artistic path!
The Maple Leaf Festival is a great arts and crafts festival. Several years ago, it was a very Americana style event but it is really grown and there is a larger variety of vendors. I went to a great quilt store there
http://www.quiltingfabricsupply.com/ and found some very cool Huckleberry Finn fabrics. My friend Cheryl bought some too. Here is a pic. of them. I am going to make a rag quilt for Jacob.

This is hard to find! I hope I have enough! The fabric I have has a blue background and I also bought a complimentary fabric that has words from the book printed on it. Jacob received the nickname "Huck Finn" in 7th grade so will be quite surprised by this quilt!
I love my new sewing machine and have been spending a lot of time with it since my 40th birthday. It is a Kenmore and does an amazing job. I am discovering a love for sewing that I guess I never realized I had. I made a 2nd art quilt--An "Ode to Diabetes" that I will post and it was a blast. I have two more planned and a new neighbor who quilts and is going to show me how to do the binding on the sides!
So it has been a busy and productive fall with tons of inspiration and connections! I am happy for the time change as it aways puts me in a better moood!